Suchverlauf Hilfe zum Suchverlauf


Katalog Suchanfrage Anzahl Titel
Gesamtkatalog NWBib-Notation= "404070" 0
Gesamtkatalog NWBib-Notation= "582040" 0
Gesamtkatalog NWBib-Notation= "704600" 0
Gesamtkatalog NWBib-Notation= "784078" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "613050" 0
Köln. Stadtmuseum NWBib-Notation= "226000" 0
Köln. Stadtmuseum NWBib-Notation= "800000" 0
Köln. Stadtmuseum NWBib-Notation= "543480" 0
Köln. Stadtmuseum NWBib-Notation= "611043" 0
Köln. Stadtmuseum NWBib-Notation= "503240" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "882026" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "446060" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "729000" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "562040" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "704047" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "840100" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "404380" 1
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "141220" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "122030" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "141425" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "555020" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "544210" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "240000" and NWBib-Notation= "77" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "404380" 1
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "796000" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "141210" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "564000" 0
Köln. Stadtmuseum NWBib-Notation= "557020" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "240000" and ( NWBib-Notation= "54" or NWBib-Notation= "74" ) 0