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Katalog Suchanfrage Anzahl Titel
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "240000" and NWBib-Notation= "52" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "406100" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "503040" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "543440" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "849070" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "706040" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "428032" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "843060" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "545060" 0
Museum Schnütgen NWBib-Notation= "200100" 0
Museum Schnütgen NWBib-Notation= "545000" 0
Museum Schnütgen NWBib-Notation= "546024" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "794000" 2
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "865090" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "523010" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "785000" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "142180" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "733000" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "615070" 0
Gesamtkatalog NWBib-Notation= "708400" 0
Gesamtkatalog NWBib-Notation= "882000" 0
Gesamtkatalog NWBib-Notation= "584070" 0
Gesamtkatalog NWBib-Notation= "542000" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "142130" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "865020" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "217020" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "846000" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "845000" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "564050" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "240000" and NWBib-Notation= "64" 0