Suchverlauf Hilfe zum Suchverlauf


Katalog Suchanfrage Anzahl Titel
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "240000" and NWBib-Notation= "63" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "766000" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "141030" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "142382" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "543062" 1
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "546022" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "503090" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "424060" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "784080" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "547480" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "861060" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "404060" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "584090" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "428054" 1
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "240000" and NWBib-Notation= "42" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "142350" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "102060" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "228000" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "844040" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "404040" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "262000" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "557000" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "425050" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "425420" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "582050" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "503424" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "163020" 0
Bibl. Bipontina NWBib-Notation= "842000" 0