Suchverlauf Hilfe zum Suchverlauf


Katalog Suchanfrage Anzahl Titel
Gesamtkatalog NWBib-Notation= "736050" 1
Gesamtkatalog NWBib-Notation= "724000" 2
Gesamtkatalog NWBib-Notation= "706052" 0
Gesamtkatalog NWBib-Notation= "426030" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "802080" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "708000" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "240000" and NWBib-Notation= "42" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "865030" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "615040" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "444000" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "240000" and ( NWBib-Notation= "54" or NWBib-Notation= "74" ) 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "799000" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "205040" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "423640" 1
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "520000" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "428050" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "163020" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "406130" 3
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "404320" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "860000" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "613000" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "582060" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "544010" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "141240" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "558050" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "542000" 0
NWBib NWBib-Notation= "240000" and NWBib-Notation= "97" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "566000" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "790000" 0
Schloss Moyland NWBib-Notation= "140000" 0